Name: Feldeah Blackheart, née Shearwater (Deah)
Class: Rogue (Swashbuckler) | Warlock (Pact of the Hunter)
Race: Half-Elf
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 26
Height: 5’6”
Country of origin: Pucricia
Family/Guardian Relation: Eloisa Shearwater - Mother (deceased); Theren Shearwater - Father (deceased); Captain Takhma Blackheart
The feisty and private Deah Shearwater, and her twin Cal, were young orphans in southern Pucricia when one fateful day, Captain Takhma Blackheart offered them a place on the pirate ship The Temptation. Years later, First Mate/Quartermaster Aleksander mutinied against Takhma when it was clear Deah was meant to inherit the ship. Making their escape, Deah joined the Blue Cloaks a few months later with her brother (who eventually separated to join a different group), and during her adventures, she tamed a pseudodragon, took her old captain’s moniker for her own and entered into a pact with the Hunter god.